

The one-year professional course for CHEF is designed to form and qualify the trainer in the field of gastronomy, but also to be a good culinary manager, staff organization, and retain responsibility for products that come from kitchen.
The program of this course is very rich in both theoretical and practical aspects.
The course is based on Mediterranean, Italian, French cuisine, as well as traditional Albanian cuisine.
Also, there are classes, which are related to the management of the kitchen, the culinary staff for specific cases of organization, reception and cooking of our country or foreign.
Trainees are given the opportunity to practice hundreds of types of cooking in our laboratories, which are complete with all the most professional kitchen equipment.
Professional cuisine is endless in its kinds, techniques and art.
Our technologists and our culinary chiefs are motivated and committed seriously so that all course participants complete the course at the highest possible levels and immediately after certification are able to work in this profession at the best restaurants in and out of the country.
The boss is always right, not just because he is a boss, but he is also a chef!

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